hey friends i am using Lubuntu 12.01 which is best linux distro for low config. system as my old laptop has only 512Mb of RAM but Lubutu is working very fine on this system. I tried many different O.S. on this system like Windows XP, WIN 7, Mint, Fedora but my choice is Lubuntu because of its simplicity and low requirement of memory just only 100 Mb approx.
Today I tried to find out some alternative to cute pdf like in Windows OS for virtual printer to convert printable file into .pdf extension so that I can take printout from outside. So here are two simple steps of doing this
step 1 : go to terminal and type the below line
sudo apt-get install cups-pdf
Today I tried to find out some alternative to cute pdf like in Windows OS for virtual printer to convert printable file into .pdf extension so that I can take printout from outside. So here are two simple steps of doing this
step 1 : go to terminal and type the below line
sudo apt-get install cups-pdf
it will install a virtual printer in your system
step 2 : select a file to print & press "CTRL+P" to print as usually you do select the option pdf and press print and your .pdf file is ready.